Construction Projects


 Pre-Construction Meeting

To Obtain a Grading Permit for a Construction Project

Prior to setting up the meeting, submit 4 full size sets and 2 half size sets and 2 copies of SWPPP documents to Engineering office.

Please fill out the forms within Pre-Construction Meeting Packet Below prior to setting a date for the Preconstruction meeting. 

To set a date for the meeting, please email Jonathan Stem

You may also need a Road Connection Agreement and $30,000 Surety with the Highway Dept.  - Email Phyllis at [email protected] for more information on connecting to a County road.

 Post Construction Requirements

To meet State regulations, all developments must address water quality issue with runoff leaving a site. To address this issue Rutherford County requires all development and redevelopment that has over 15,000 square feet of impervious surface to remove 80% of total suspended solids (TSS). For more information on the requirement see the Chapter 4 Section 2 of the Rutherford County Stormwater Management Ordinance. Listed below are the approved Post Construction BMPs to achieve the water quality requirements with their removal rates. Please note that not all BMPs can meet the 80% removal rate, but must be part of a treatment train process to achieve 80% removal. Please download the Rutherford County Water Quality and Drainage Worksheet for help designing treatment trains to achieve water quality requirements.

Stormwater Post Construction BMP Manual
PTP-Intro Introduction
PTP-01 Stormwater Wet Ponds
PTP-02 Constructed Wetlands
PTP-03 Bioretention
PTP-04 Surface Sand Filters
PTP-05 Water Quality Swales
PTP-06 Dry Detention
PTP-07 Filter Strips
PTP-08 Grass Channels
PTP-09 Greenroofs
PTP-10 Underground Sand Filters
PTP-11 Perimeter Sand Filters
PTP-12 Organic Filters
PTP-13 Gravity (Oil-Grit) Separators
PTP-14 Infiltration Trenches
PTP-15 Permeable Pavements

 Public Involvement for Construction Sites

Rutherford County is required to have a mechanisms or plans for public access to information on new development and redevelopment projects and receiving and considering comments from the public on those new development and redevelopment projects.

The Planning and Engineering Department host Planning Commission meetings where all projects and rezoning are considered by the Planning Commission.  Click on the link for the Planning Department Link to see Planning Commission Agendas and Planning Commission Meeting Dates.

For any comments on the sites dealing with stormwater please email [email protected].

The TDEC maps data viewer has map of all permitted sites with a General Construction Permit through the Department of Environment and Conservation.  For any questions on those site please email: [email protected]